Sailing Vlogs 2018
There has been an explosion of sailing vlogs in the last few years. It’s almost hard to keep up with the great youtubel sailing videos coming out.
To make things a bit easier, we decided to keep a running list of sailing vlogs that are still producing content for 2018. In no particular order. This list will be continually updated as we receive links and recommendations to new sailing vlogs.
If you have a sailing vlog, or know somebody who does, or just like watching youtube sailing videos and have some recommendations leave a comment below. And pass it along to friends who might be interested. The bigger the list gets the less we have to resort to skateboard fail videos when we’re bored 🙂
Sailing Kittiwake
Hi! We’re Elena and Ryan. We quit our jobs to move onto our sailboat Kittiwake and sail away. She’s a 26ft Heavenly Twins catamaran from 1977.
In May 2017 we’ve refitted Kittiwake with some good old DIY and set sail for the Mediterranean in June. You can find out more about our adventure by checking out our blog: We’ll record our journey on YouTube as we go along.
SV Prism
These are the adventures of SV Prism. Follow the the crew Shannon and Jon as they sail their Hans Christian 33 sailboat to Mexico and beyond! To learn How we started, watch our Prelude video. After that we will continue to upload episodes showing our sail to Mexico and beyond
Sea change
On December 31st, 2015 three men and a little dog left their old lives behind to set out on a round-the-world trip on 44 foot sailboat Cool Change.
We are out here to test ourselves, to grow and to learn – to dig through this world in search of life’s lessons. This is not a vacation, though we are having the time of our lives. Traveling under sail has provided the opportunity to connect deeply with the people and places we encounter. We’re taking our time, becoming a part of the landscape instead of just observing it. This trip has combined our passions of adventure and filmmaking, to live a life that we’re inspired to capture and share.
We’re attempting to sail around the world: helm in one hand, camera in the other.
Across the Salty Roads
A one year project from Canadian filmmaker extraordinaire, Guillaume Baudoin. Amazing cinematography with lots of drone shots and a good story to boot.
Sailing Yacht Ruby Rose
We have decided to sail the world. Yep, like many others. We sold up, rehoused the cats ( that was such a wrench, we loved those cats) and moved onto a boat. We left London , sailed the West coast of Europe and all the way to the Canaries.
We sailed across oceans and now have the boat in Antigua.
We are travelling around the globe, writing and filming our adventures. We hope you like what we do.
Sailing Britican
We’ve sold everything we own, have purchased a 56′ Oyster yacht and are sailing around the world! We’ve renamed the sailboat ‘Britican’ and that stands for BRITish and AmeriCAN. Hubby is a Limie and I’m a Yankee…our 4 year old daughter is both! This channel outlines our journey.
Sailing Miss Lonestar
Miss Lone Star was the name of our first boat a 1999 Cruisers Yacht 3375 (twin engine), we moved aboard with my two children and a large dog for almost a year and we loved the life so much we bought a sailboat! Lots of things have changed over the last two years, and I mean a lot.. but I am still sailing and working hard to give this amazing life to my kids. So come along on a journey of a lifetime.
Sailing La Vagabonde
We are an Australian couple with the intentions of circumnavigating the globe by yacht… Initially having no clue of how to sail, we have now sailed over 30,000nm through the Mediterranean, Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean, Panama Canal and Pacific Ocean. We started making movies to share our adventure with friends and family back in Australia, now we continue to share our adventure with the world. With YOUR support we can keep the movies coming every Monday/Tuesday!
Sailing Britaly
A couple’s sailing adventures… We are Chris (British) and Rossella (Italian) – together we are ⛵ Sailing Britaly ⛵ We’re excited to make videos of our sailing shenanigans and share them with you!
Sail the Med, never gets old
Sailing Uma
Sailing the World. One country at a time. One project at a time. Creating videos of our journey, adventures, life on board, and lessons learned along the way. Join us aboard our all electric, 1972 Pearson 36 as we sail the world, one step at a time.
Sailing High Seas
This is a regular video blog or vlog about my adventures on my sailing boat. I bought the boat on the Norfolk Broads completely inexperienced in sailing. The adventure starts there and eventually out to sea and beyond.
SV Delos
Sailing With SV Delos! This is our story, a story of three souls sailing around the world. It is a story about sailing and travel and adventure. But it’s also a story about meeting amazing people and making life long friends. It’s a story of people living their lives in an alternate way, in close connection with the beautiful people and amazing planet that we call home. Our experience has affected us so profoundly we want to share it, hoping that others may find inspiration to follow their dreams and do what they love.
Sailing Doodles
We sail around the world on a 34 year old 37 foot sailboat with two full size labradoodle dogs. Watch what its really like to cruise and island hop as well as take care of two big dogs at the same time.
Sailing Nandji
We had been travelling around Australia in our bus called Froth. After two years of this we thought what next. We are not the sort of humans that want a full time job, 2.5 kids and a white picket fence. So we bought Nandji.
Nandji is our Roberts 40 sloop cutter rigged yacht.
We love everythin to do with the ocean. I love to surf and Bonita enjoys having a crack on those smaller days. We are both keen divers and love our spearfishing. So living on a yacht on the ocean kind of seemed like a logical idea.
This Youtube channel is about our journey and our life living on Nandji. The world just got a lot smaller… Follow us in learning how to sail and enjoying the ocean whilst exploring the coast of Australia and soon overseas!
Sailing into Freedom
I am an Australian guy that is sailing where the wind takes me on as small a footprint as I can manage. As soon as I bought my boat I got rid of my freezer, fridge, oven, air conditioners, generator, microwave, bbq and water-heater. I buy very little and hunt n gather wherever I can. I invite inexperienced and unusual crew on board that share my way of life for a time which leads to some interesting moments. So if you like a bit of adventure then follow me.
Sailing SV Lazy Gecko
We are Jeremiah, Brittany, our kids and our dogs! A family that sold everything that we own, bought a sailboat, moved aboard and are currently sailing away through the Florida Keys, Bahamas, the Caribbean and then who knows where else! Maybe the Atlantic Circle or maybe we will go west! Follow along with us, we will be uploading videos often about our journey, adventures along the way and our lifestyle! You can also view us on our blog at and on Facebook at Lazy Gecko Sailing!
Tula’s Endless Summer
Following our dreams living on the water and adventuring on our own terms. One of the few trawler blogs around!
The Boat Fam
The other trawler blog!
Wicked Salty
Sail // Fish // Explore // Live
Sailing adventures with Wes, Kate and the salty dog Lola. Parity is a 30 foot sailboat more specifically a 1983 Ericson 30+ we bought off craigslist to sail to the Bahamas.
RAN Sailing
We are a Swedish couple who wanted a different kind of life. So we moved aboard our sailboat RAN, a custom built aluminium Beason 40. Then we untied the lines in the middle of the Swedish winter and began sailing south along the coast of Europe. There is no set route and we will go where the wind and our minds takes us.
We want to share this sailing adventure with you and inspire you to explore the world! The topics will be high and low and about a little bit of everything that we encounter.
White Spots are undiscovered areas on each individual’s personal map of life. These are not necessarily places you want to go, but can be any kind of dream that you want to come true.
The purpose of WhiteSpotPirates (WSP) is to bring people one step closer to putting their own dreams into reality, to build up a community that inspires and supports each other.
The weekly video documentation “Untie The Lines” is WSP’s first project. It is about a young woman who bought an old sailing boat in Panama and wants to try and sail the word. Future plans of WSP are to feature different stories of a wide range of “Pirates”.
Sailing ZERO
SY-ZERO.. sail with us!
It´s not only that we cut all lines from our former life in Germany and sail the world, it´s about finding the right way to live our lifes and find and spread more happiness!
with our videos we hope to inspire you to live a happier life!
Do you ever wanted to see how much fun it is to sail the world on an old sailboat? Here´s your chance!
Come aboard and drift into another adventure with us on ZERO, our 1974 build Hudson Force 50.
Sailing Catalpa
Hey guys welcome to our channel we are a young family of 4 that packed up our life on the Gold Coast and are now cruising the east coast of Australia, hoping to leave Australia in 2017 and then around the world. Follow us as we live our dreams and document our adventures along the way.
We love making videos and if you love our videos too be sure to check out other social media sites for photos and stories on where we are and where we are heading.
MJ Sailing
We are a couple in our mid 30’s, moving from a blog to a vlog as we catalog a complete refit of our Trisalu, a 37′ custom aluminum sailboat. After having sailed the Caribbean (Bahamas; Jamaica; Cuba; Honduras; Guatemala; Mexico) and across the Atlantic Ocean TWICE in one year, we’re moving on to bigger and better things in the form of a big metal hull. From ripping her down to bare bones, we’re rebuilding her exactly the way we want her. Spending a year shakedown in the Caribbean when we’re finished, we have our sights set on taking her to the Arctic Circle.
Lost at Sea TV
Follow Captain Stan, Admiral Sarah, 1st Mate Chris and special guests as they explore, “The Gateway to the Caribbean,” the east coast of La Florida!
Learn the local knowledge you will need to travel Florida’s east coast by sailboat, see the sites and attractions you can’t miss, and get entertained along the way!
Stowaway and see what life aboard is really like when an adrenaline junkie marries a drama queen and attempts to sail around the world!
What is the worst that can happen?
Couch Sailors
“If only the water were bluer, warmer and we didn’t have to go to work tomorrow…”
It didn’t take long for our wishful sailing thinking to turn into a broken record. We knew that it was time to get out from behind our desks, leave San Francisco and embark on a true sailing adventure.
Fast forward three years, we saved up in creative ways, bought a boat, quit our tech jobs and took off to sail to the remote corners of the world. Now here we are living our dream and we want to bring you along for the ride.
So hop onboard and get to know what life is really like as a boat nomad. A bo-mad. Something like that.
Salt and Tar
Salt & Tar started as a husband and wife duo determined to build a custom George Buehler designed wooden gaff ketch sailboat documenting their undertaking. Now, 2 years into the project at the age of 25, Garrett and Ruth Jolly are joined by Sir Anthony Hoffa as Second Mate. Up a hill in the Pacific Northwest you’ll find their modest boat farm. Equipped with a 5000W generator, a few power tools, and resolution Rediviva has grown from a stack of lumber to a ship’s hull. Follow along as the trio completes their vessel. You can also check out their blog, , kept for more or less up-to-date information on the project. There isn’t any reception, internet, or running water on the acre clearing of logging land so the videos are a little behind current time. Stay tuned for the book is far from being closed.
SV Bora Bora
We are a British couple with little to no sailing experience who had a yearning for a life less ordinary. We are budget DIY sailors trying to live sustainability. We rented our house and bought a boat, a 1974 Victory 40, set sail south in 2016 and plan to cross the Atlantic end of 2017.
SV Bamba Maru
Bamba Maru is a YouTube Vlog about the travels of Joanna and Andy Bamba on Tour with a 45ft Prout Catamaran from 1968. Liveaboard together with the black Lab Basco, Rottweiler Marley and Board Cat Tulu. It’s a Special journey with a lot of different faces and impressions. There is more on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Check it out and have a look. We appreciate every Like and Follower
Welcome to our adventure log! We’re Audrey and Garrett, two twenty-somethings with a passion for travel (Audrey) and sailing (Garrett). We’re based in San Francisco but never sit still for long. And we’re about to be on the go more than ever now, as we’ve just bought a sailboat, a 35′ Rafiki. Sail along with us.
Out Chasing Stars
This is the YouTube Channel for s/v Starry Horizons, which is carrying Admiral Amy and Captain David on a 5 year circumnavigation. We started out (nervously!) watching our boat get launched in La Rochelle, France in October of 2014. Since then we’ve sailed over 17,000nm, visited 19 countries, transited through the Panama Canal and are now exploring the vast Pacific Ocean!
Sincerely Sailing
Sarah Ryan is an avid sailor. Sailing Harbor 20s around Norfolk, Virginia in the Elizabeth River. Sail Nauticus Academy Instructor. Restoring and soon to be sailing on the Schooner Virginia.
Lucky Fish Gets Away
We are Stew and Zaya. We are sailing a beautiful catamaran that didn’t cost the earth. We crossed the Atlantic from Soutth Africa to Florida. We are now cruising the Caribbean before crossing the Pacific. Luckyfish is a safe, fast and proven bluewater cat, and a ton of fun to sail. She’s packed with simple solutions to complex problems that will surprise you. We really do try to keep it real and, we reply to every comment. Thank-you for watching ! Cheers! “Go Light, Go Green, Go for as long as you want!”
Vet Tails’ Sailing Chuffed
Follow our Adventures as we sail away and save animals all over the World!!! Join Dr Sheddy and Cpt Joel on ‘Chuffed Adventures’ as they navigate the oceans and provide free veterinary care for animals from aboard SV Chuffed.
For more youtube sailing videos and the latest on your favorite vloggers, check out our People section.

Robin was born and raised in the Canadian North. His first memory of travel on water was by dogsled across a frozen lake. After studying environmental science and engineering he moved to Vancouver aboard a 35’ sailboat with his partner, Fiona, with the idea to fix up the boat and sail around the world. He has written for several sailing publications including SAIL, Cruising World, and was previously a contributing editor at Good Old Boat.
Tuesday 25th of December 2018
Sailing with the Litzenbergers is funny and fast paced, they also sail on the cheap and move quickly from one cruising ground to another. Really fun to watch.
Thursday 17th of January 2019
Thanks for the recommendation Russell!
Sunday 16th of September 2018
Highly recommend Gone with the Wynns and Sailing La Vagabonde. Sailing Doodles is pretty good too.
Thursday 29th of November 2018
Thanks for the recommendations Peggy!
Sunday 18th of February 2018
Thanks for this great list of sailing vlogs. I suggest you add fellow Canadian, Alfy and his 34’ C&C Moonshadow. The name of his YouTube channel is “Life Is Like Sailing”.
Fair winds, Joseph
JD Boyle
Monday 14th of August 2017
Hey, great list! It's always nice to see all the fantastic footage that's hitting the web! Looking forward to exploring your site more. JD
Tuesday 29th of August 2017
Thanks JD, nice to have you onboard
Sailing Kittiwake
Wednesday 2nd of August 2017
Wow! Thanks so much for including us Robin! Great choices and some new faces in there. What a huge, comprehensive list! Nice one.