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Sailing blogs

sailing blogs

Sailing blogs to stoke your inspiration

Looking for sailing blogs to stoke your wanderlust and inspiration? With the advent of sailing vloggers and #InstagramSailing there seem to be fewer sailors dedicating themselves to writing travelogue narratives. While there are hundreds of sailing blogs, many of them are now defunct (the writers having completed their trips or just stopped documenting them). The following sailing blogs are the ones that caught our eye this year. These are people who are currently sailing, or who are just starting out on their trips. What they have in common: heartfelt story-telling, exotic locations, and mind-blowing adventures. We hope you enjoy.

Can you think of a new sailing blog (travelogue narrative) that should be on this list? Let us know in the comments so we can include it in our next roundup.

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The solo sailor: Yacht Fathom

Thom is sailing around the world solo on his Vancouver 28, Fathom. He left in May 2016 and is currently in Madagascar. Thom’s exciting tales and spectacular photography make for a lively read. We recently interviewed him about the top pieces of gear for sailing solo round the world.


sailing blogs
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The galley gourmand: Sailing the Bakery

Emily shares vulnerable reflections on her transition to the liveaboard life, interspersed with foodie photos galore (see Emily’s recipes for Poached Rhubarb Cream Pie and Flax Challah Braids). Emily, her husband Kai, and their daughter Reverie are sailing the world on their Saga 43 sailboat.


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The renegade: Art of Hookie

Allan quit corporate America at the age of 36 and set sail on his 22-foot sailboat with 14 cents to his name. A self-described “minimalist in maximalist’s clothing” he’s on a quest to live life in to the fullest by living simply aboard his boat. Introspective and poetic, Art of Hookie reads like a journal, a refreshing change from ultra-curated travel blogs.


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Animal lovers: Vet Tails

Join Dr Sheddy and Captain Joel as they navigate the oceans and provide free veterinary care aboard SV Chuffed. In addition to their blog (where cute animal photos abound!) they have a Youtube sailing channel.


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Kids aboard: A Family Afloat

Josie, Christian and their adventurous kids set sail from Sausalito, California, to sail around the world. From creating routines and homeschooling to diving in remote Pacific atolls, this blog is a testament to the fun of being a family afloat. If you’re looking for more family blogs, be sure to check out Sailing Totem’s (another amazing blog) extensive list of family sailing blogs.



Monster Sails

Wednesday 17th of April 2019

We are just getting started with our sailing adventure! We are novice sailors who are also working and living the digital nomad lifestyle. We want to share not only stories about our adventures sailing, diving, snorkeling and exploring, but also we want to share as much practical advice about the little things (and big) that so many long time cruisers have taken for granted.


Wednesday 15th of May 2019

Hi guys! Look forward to reading more about your adventures. If you'd ever like to guest post, drop us a line.


Tuesday 29th of January 2019

give it a look... were new to the sailing/liveaboard part, but we've been tracking our adventures in the blog for almost 10yrs. ;)


Wednesday 30th of January 2019

Wow! You guys have had some awesome adventures. If you ever feel like sharing some of your stories on Waterborne - drop us a line.

Sailing Kittiwake

Saturday 15th of December 2018

Thanks so much for including us, Fiona! :) Great blogs in the list. Our favourite is Art Of Hookie - one of the first blogs we read when we got into sailing.

Andy Bamba

Saturday 15th of December 2018

Sailing Channel "Bamba Maru" is still very active and 2019 is going to be a very eventfull year for the two free spirits sailing together with 2 dogs and a cat.

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